1 March 2016

Before Bed & First Thing In The Morning

I've talked about how much I love a good morning & evening routine & I've shared different updated versions serval times on my blog. I'll link the most recent update version here if you haven't seen it or would like to check it out again.

Todays post is going to be focusing on the things that I do right before bed & first thing in the morning. Rather than doing a full morning &  evening routine, which hasn't really changed since the last time I updated it, I thought it might be more useful if I go into more detail about a few of the things I do right before bed & first thing in the morning. I love starting & ending my day in a good & positive mind set & these set of things really help me achieve that.

I'm going to start with what I like to do in the evening time. There are five things that I like to do in the evening time that really put me in a good & positive mind set for the following day.

I like to give myself about 20-30 minutes in the evening just to tidy. Whether it's my work space that has got a bit messy throughout the day or if it's something I didn't manage to do that day. Whatever it may be, this is the time that it'll get done. I find waking up to a clean house & space means I'm waking up with a clear mind & I'm ready to start the day straight away without having to worry about tidying up before hand.

Create a to do list. Creating a to do list means to know exactly what needs to be done on that specific day. You'll be able to keep on top of everything & feel confident knowing that you haven't forgot anything important. Plus who doesn't love the feeling of crossing off tasks from their to do list? Best feeling ever right?

Take time for yourself, look after your skin, do some yoga or mediation. Do something that you find relaxing. This is an important part of my evening, it's my time to relax & de-stress after a long & busy day. I'm positive you'll thank yourself at the end of it.

I am most definitely not a morning person by any means. I'm someone that is way more productive at night rather than in the mornings. Many of us have several bad habits when it comes to the very first thing we do in the morning & trust me, that was me awhile back but I've adapted to healthier habits & that want I would like to share with you.

We all want to be updated straight away on everything we missed out on while sleeping but instead of check for updates take time to make some coffee or tea, brush your teeth, make your bed & grab some breakfast before you dive into multiple emails & updates.

This is one of the first things I will do in the morning. I keep a water bottle by my bed & I will always drink as much water as I can. There is just something about drinking water first thing in the morning, it leaves you feeling wake & fresh.

By this I don't necessarily mean anything to crazy, just some light simple stretches. Even yoga or mediation would be great too. Again I find stretching is great for helping wake up the body & making you feel great.

B x

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